09 May 2011

Mother's Day Wishlist

I had a wonderful day yesterday. I was given flowers, treated to lunch and cooked dinner. It doesn't get much better than that. I'm going to have a hard time going back to my normal life after such spoiling.

I was thinking all day long that Mother's Day is a wonderful way to treat moms special for a whole day, but I'm pretty sure that what we really want on Mother's Day are the same things we wish for all year long. I've compiled a list and I'm pretty sure you have items of your own to add:

What We Really Want for Mother's Day (in no particular order):
1. Well behaved children
2. All the toilet seats put down
3. A tidy house
4. A well-protected family
5. Lots of hugs and kisses
6. The trash taken out without any nagging
7. A bathroom that magically cleans itself
8. A good hair day
9. To look 10 lbs lighter in photos
10. A car free of goldfish crackers and raisins
11. The ability to go to the bathroom without anyone knocking on the door or barging in
12. The chance to have an uninterrupted conversation with another adult about something other than children
13. A day free of worrying
14. No dirty diapers

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